


Meet Lingzhi, a 24-year-old Shanghai-based foreign woman who has been living in the city for over two years. She is from Singapore and speaks fluent English, Mandarin, and Hokkien. However, she still struggles a bit with her Shanghai dialect. In this article, we will explore her journey, how she overcame her language barrier, and how she learned to be more confident in using English.

Arriving in Shanghai

When Lingzhi first arrived in Shanghai, she felt a bit lost and overwhelmed. Although she had studied Mandarin in school, she found it difficult to understand the local dialect, which sounded very different from what she learned. She found herself hesitant to speak, which made it challenging for her to communicate with locals.

Joining a Language Exchange Group


One day, Lingzhi decided to join a language exchange group in Shanghai. This group was aimed at helping people learn a new language, and it was a mix of foreigners and locals. Lingzhi met a lot of people who shared her struggles, and she found comfort in this community of language learners.

Getting Over the Fear of Speaking English

One of the biggest challenges Lingzhi faced was her reluctance to speak English. When she was in Singapore, Lingzhi was considered proficient in English and spoke it every day. However, when she arrived in Shanghai, she found herself surrounded by people who spoke English more fluently than she did. This made her self-conscious and reluctant to speak. She was afraid of making mistakes and being judged for it.

Learning to Be Confident

Over time, Lingzhi learned to be more confident in speaking English. She realized that everyone makes mistakes, and that was just part of the learning process. Instead of being afraid to speak, Lingzhi started to embrace her mistakes and learn from them. She began to understand that being confident in herself was the key to being successful in speaking English.

Expanding Her Vocabulary and Knowledge

A major factor in Lingzhi's success in speaking English was her willingness to constantly improve. She read books, watched TV shows and movies, and practiced speaking with friends and locals. As she expanded her vocabulary, she also became more knowledgeable about the culture and history behind the language. This helped her to better understand the context behind certain phrases and expressions, making it easier for her to use them naturally in conversation.


Now, a few years later, Lingzhi has built a life for herself in Shanghai, and she feels much more confident in her abilities to speak English. Her journey was not easy, but it was a worthwhile one. Lingzhi learned to be more confident, to embrace her mistakes, and to be open to learning new things. Her experience shows that with perseverance, anyone can overcome their language barriers and succeed in speaking English fluently.
